Quran Studies
-Alphabet (Alif Ba)
-Qiraat and Taleem
-Alphabet (Alif Ba)
-Qiraat and Taleem
-Ilmihal (Concise Fiqh)
-Nurul izah
-Quduri Shareef
-Sharh Ibn Qasim
-Ilm Al Sarf
-Ilm an Nahiv
-Conversational Arabic (Muhadathah)
-Hadith Memorization
-Life of the prophet (Siyaratun Nabi)
-Othmani Texts
-Moral Education
-Character development
-Seminars and Lectures
The United American Muslim Association (UAMA) was established on May 29th 1980 to provide permanent solutions for the Muslims in North America with their religious needs, primarily by providing appropriate places to worship and providing an Islamic education for the youth.